There are many different Coleman camping gear essentials that you can take on your camping trip to make your camping experience one that you will enjoy.
However, you need to think about what type of camping you are doing and what Coleman camping gear you will be able to take on your camping trip. With some types of camping you will not be able to take all of the camping gear that you might want to take.
Really, when you think about it there are a couple different types of camping.
1. Hiking & Backpacking Camping:
With this type of camping you will need to rough it a bit, similar to if you were in the army and only allowed to take what you can fit in a backpack and carry on your back. This kind of camping is usually only done when you are going on a hike. You really need to think about what items you really need when you are hiking to your camping spot because you can’t carry a great deal with you. If you can only get to your camping spot by hiking there, you can only take the absolute essentials.
As well as all your personal needs, a first aid kit, water and food you will also need the following items for backpack camping:
A lightweight sleeping bag that can be stuffed into a compression sack so it’s small. There are many Coleman sleeping bag styles to choose from.
A blow up pillow or pillowcase which you can stuff clothes or a jacket into to make a comfortable pillow. Coleman make a back country pillowcase which is just perfect for a hiking camping trip.
A sleeping pad if you can fit it, such as the Coleman rest easy pad.
A small lightweight backpacking tent, something that is not too heavy and will weigh you down. There are lots of different Coleman camping tent styles which are suitable for backpacking and are available in 1, 2 or even 4 person tents.
A small one burner stove that is lightweight. There are many different Coleman camp stove styles that are suitable for hiking and backpacking. A small one burner stove is all you need and is great because they are very lightweight and easy to fit in a backpack.
A lightweight torch so you see what you are doing at night if you cannot light a fire where you will be camping.
2. National Park or Camp Grounds Camping:
With this type of camping, you can usually get to it by car. When you have a car to bring all your camping needs then you don’t have to worry about only bringing what you can fit in a backpack. If you’re camping in a national park or a camping ground where there is car access, then this type of camping allows you to bring a lot of other items.
There are many different types of Coleman camping gear items that will make your next camping trip to the national park an enjoyable one and they are:
A Coleman camping tent is essential for shelter when camping in the outdoors and they make many different styles of tents and come in all different shapes and sizes depending on how many people you need to accommodate. They also have tents that have many rooms so you can have more space inside for different uses.
Coleman sleeping bags are another essential item that is needed when you go camping. They have many types to choose from in their line up and it will depend on the type of weather you are camping in as to what sleeping bag is needed, because they make various grades of warmth.
A Coleman camp stove will also be needed to cook you meals if there are no cooking facilities or BBQs where you are camping and these are available in different styles, types and sizes depending on your needs.
Coleman Coolers or an esky will help to keep your perishable food items cold.
Coleman camping furniture such as folding tables, chairs and even stretcher beds are among the furniture items you may like to take on your next trip to make it more comfortable.
Coleman lanterns or some sort of lighting system will also help you to see at night when you are cooking if you don’t have a camp fire.
Coleman heaters may also come in handy to keep warm on a cold night especially if you don’t have a camp fire.
3. Camping in a camper trailer, caravan or motor home:
Having a camper trailer, caravan or motor home is the type of camping which a little more luxury. There’s no need for a camping tent, however there are still other Coleman camping gear items which are needed even if you have a camper trailer, caravan or motor home.
Coleman offer many camping items for the luxury camper; things such as portable refrigerators, the Coleman BBQ, camping showers and even a portable toilet are among some of the items that you may like to take on this type of camping adventure.
So when you plan your next camping trip think about what style of camping you will be doing and match is with the different types of Coleman camping gear that is available to make your camping trip one that you will enjoy in comfort.